Episode 6: Are they really still boning?

by aytoanalyzer

In spite of being told in the very first episode that they are NOT at match, Chris T and Shanley have continued to get it on, because they don’t care what anybody thinks, and their love is worth more than $50,000, you guys! The housemates are understandably pissed, with Simone leading the charge, because ain’t nobody getting in the way of her 50k.

The challenge involves eating various versions of nasty snowcones (fish juice with fish chunks, anyone?), and couples comprised of leftovers at the end of the 30-second musical chair-esque partner picking period wisely bow out early, leaving three legit possible couples (Chris T + Paige, Amber + Ethan, and Brittany + Joey) and one random pairing (Dre + Shanley – who probably just tried to win so she could go on the date to keep an eye on Chris) to potentially go into the Truth Booth.

In the aftermath of this, for the first time this season, we see the contestants address the fact that this is a logic puzzle game, and try to solve it. Jessica is shown making the case to send Ethan + Amber into the booth, because in episode 3 only 2 couples were correct at the match up, and Dillan + Coleysia have already been identified as a match. We know this logic because we did it last week, when Ethan + Amber were revealed to US as a match. But Simone makes an equally strong case for sending Chris T + Paige in: we know they’re a likely match because they’ve been paired more than once in final ceremonies with high probabilities, and if they ARE a match, it separates Shanley and Chris T and so that the group can figure out who Shanley’s match is faster. The contestants decide to go with the latter strategy, and send Chris T and Paige in….


Shanley is beside herself, but we don’t care, because we just narrowed shit down a LOT farther. And as a side note, why are so many other girls (Jessica, Ashleigh) seemingly distraught over this? Do they just really not like conflict? No matter, we now have this:

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So we have 4 couples matched, and our remaining 12 players are all down to 5 possible matches or less, with the exception of Ryan, Adam, and Shanley, who all still have 6 possible matches.

We also have this:

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So we have 3 pools of 3 couples from previous episode matchup ceremonies, and we know that each pool contains 1 correct couple. We also have a pool of 5 from episode 5’s ceremonies that we know contains 2 correct couples. Look at this, it’s easy to draw the conclusion that Wes + Kayla is probably a match, but it gets tricky when you look at the the other likely couples: Jacy + John, Scali + Simone, and Adam + Shanley. All of these are repeated matchups, which increases their likelihood, but they can’t all be correct. Only one of the two between J+J and A+S can be correct, because they are both in the episode 2 pool and only one of those three is correct. And only two out of the four likely couples can be correct, since they are all in the episode 5 pool and we know that only two couples in that pool are correct.

I was looking forward to the additional info we’d get from tonight’s matchup ceremony when MTV decided to go all old-school dramatic and throw a “TO BE CONTINUED…” out at us. This gives me the sneaking suspicion that the contestants do figure out all of the matches in the end, and that they do it in less than 10 tries, so MTV is having to stretch the action into 10 episodes by other means. If that’s true, than we’re in a race to solve this puzzle before they do! And I will not be defeated.