Episode 6….Continued

by aytoanalyzer

Blah blah drama, only interesting development in the second part of this episode is that Jacy & Scali have a developing attraction.

We finally get to see the matchup ceremony, which yields the following pairs:

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5 lights go on, and obviously we know who 3 of those lights are for (and also 2 couples who they definitely aren’t for), so that leaves us 5 couples of which 2 are correct: Ryan & Jessica (ooh!), Wes & Kayla (duh), Adam & Ashley (nah), John & Jacy, and Dre & Shanley. Our 6 episode “logic puzzle” looks like this:

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So since only 1 pair can be right out of the Episode 1, 2, and 3 matchups, and only 2 pair can be right out of episodes 5 and 6, I am feeling pretty comfortable predicting the entire lineup now.

We know 4 matches for sure:

Dillan + Coleysia, Chris T + Paige, Ethan + Amber and Joey + Brittany.

Based on this grid and what we’ve seen from the show, I’m going to go ahead and call the remaining 6 matches:

Wes + Kayla (the other 2 episode 1 possibilities make no sense), Adam + Shanley (ditto for episode 2), Dre + Simone (ditto for episode 4). Episode 5 only has 2 correct pairings left, and we’re already going with W+K and A+S, so that means John+Jacy as a pair are out, as are the remaining 2 episode 5 pairings. W+K transfers to episode 6 as one of the 2 correct pair, and we’ve already ruled out J+J, so of the three left the most likely pairing is Ryan + Jessica. That means Scali + Jacy could indeed be a match, as was strongly hinted at in this episode.

So we have Wes + Kayla, Adam + Shanley, Dre + Simone, Ryan + Jessica, and Scali + Jacy as solid predictions. The only thing is, that would mean John + Ashleigh are a match. We haven’t seen anything to suggest that, but we haven’t seen anything to rule it out, either. Time will tell.